Category: France

Narbonne – views

once you see these photos, you’ll need to visit Narbonne!

Narbonne’s Cathedral’s Stained Glass

and a statue, too

Inside Narbonne’s Cathedral

the candles..

Narbonne’s Cathedral

Four of the best photos

French Breakfast

What better on a Monday morning?

Narbonne’s Fish Market

how many fish markets have I managed to visit during my travels?

Street Poetry

Beauty in one of its oldest forms


Last summer, we stopped here for one night.

Parisian Weather

this is how today is going

Finally Fall

…and winter is just around the corner

French Sardines under the Snow

In black and white, of course

A special on Love

Six years.

Paris on t’aime. Même en hiver.

One never sees Paris for the first time; one always sees it again… Edmondo de Amicis The timeless Paris. Paris is always the same. Nothing changes in Paris. This post is, clearly, about Paris. And its everlasting-ness. We went back to the french capital… Continue Reading “Paris on t’aime. Même en hiver.”